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OPPO Find N: What does it mean for the market and buyers when the smartphone is out

OPPO Find N: What does it mean for the market and buyers when the smartphone is out

OPPO Find N: what does the market and the purchase of your smartphone mean for the market

It’s too early to be late. Before the choice of smartphones with soft screens, after Samsung, Huawei and Motorola / Lenovo (in fact, there are more of them – Xiaomi, vivo, TCL, Royole and Navit Google announced plans, but later changed their minds, but all other things were not mentioned on the global market, not seeming already about ours) another company arrived – OPPO. The OPPO Find N smartphone is officially presented today, and the editors of gg have already caught it in their hands and look at the OPPO Find N. Koristuvachakh.

What is OPPO Find N

We will not delve into the technical characteristics of the novelty, we read it all the same, sing-songly, in the official announcement, but to our eyes, the Kremlin is more headstrong. OPPO Find N is a smart phone with a flexible screen in the form factor of the notebook, in fact, a kind of analogue of the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3. The new one has two important dimensions in the form of a Samsung smartphone – other proportions and a practical crease on the fold. Behind the words of the representatives of OPPO, such proportions are increased so that when opening a smartphone, yoga does not need to be expanded in landscape orientation for a visual review. First of all, before speech, really. As a result, the proportions of a pure square from a large building of 1920×1792 (which are not much opposed to the lower worlds), but the designers, insanely, managed to achieve a smart phone against 7.6 at Fold 3.

OPPO Find N: what does the market for the purchase of your smartphone-2 mean

Besides the fact that OPPO Find N wins the same flexible Samsung screen on an ultra-thin UTG panel (we have reports about it), smartphones feature a different, expensive, type of hinge loops. As a result, there was a magic, like, spodіvatimemosya, strongly vpline on Samsung’s pragnennya to correct the situation with its own fold. Nominally, an OPPO smartphone plays a battery capacity of 4500 mAh versus 4400 mAh for a Samsung smartphone. It is worth remembering that it has been broken evenly in order to, high and symbolically, but to give a few more beautiful characteristics. At the same time, with another mechanism (є vіdchutya, scho vіn important), with smaller sizes, OPPO Find N is important more, lower Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3: 275 g against 271, although, obviously, it’s impossible to mark a difference of 4 grams.

Has OPPO launched this smartphone?

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OPPO Find N: what does the market for the purchase of your smartphone-3

What results can be obtained from OPPO’s Find N

Narazi tse pitanya vodkritim, more on the day of the luminous premiere we can not assess the reaction of buyers to the novelty. Shonaymenshe, the smartphone is sold in his fatherland, in China. And there we choose the first return call from the rescuers. Now, at the same time, it can be said that the bet is on changing the proportions of the virna – the smartphone looks even nicer, on the view of the vertically folded Fold 3 z Fold 3 every once in a while and without cracking, for the most part of the lines of new messengers on such a screen, it’s easy, to the point of speech, there’s another reason why I love Flip so much). І when opening the square, there is no sense of spreading (to give odds to OPPO from the side of the retailers, as it will be necessary to report less adaptation of their addenda to the great screen). The program is maximum – going to European markets (at the focus of OPPO, before speech, Poland and Romania – Poland has a regional headquarters, and in Romania – engineers from a test laboratory). It is not enough to bring us a budget for the supply of a smartphone – as wines are sold weaker for plans, yoga cannot be brought to us. Well, first of all, it’s better, and there’s a shortage (everyone understands that the expansion of the party, which is vibrating, is small), then the markets will become satisfied with us, the deficit is already there.

OPPO Find N: what does the market for the purchase of your smartphone-4 mean

Which one is common for shopping?

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